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Proverbs 31 Series #2

A wife of noble character who can find?

She is worth far more than rubies.

~Proverbs 31:10

This week we are looking at what it means to be a Proverbs 31 Woman in relation to her worth and value.

In this verse, I found 2 attributes of this Woman that I want to pull out and expand on.

1) There are not a lot of women like her. “A wife of noble character who can find?” our text says. This type of woman seems to be few and far between. More than likely, she is not the most popular person around. She is not the woman that walks into a room of people and says “Here I am!” but rather seeks to be an ambassador of her Saviour. She finds the lost, lonely, broken people in the room and says “There you are.” She is not an attention seeking soul, but rather deflects the attention from herself to the Lord that created her exactly how she is. She makes others feel loved and important. She is saddened by the fact that she seems to be alone in the world, and prays daily for other women to come to Christ and live by His statutes.

2) She is an expensive gem. This passage talks about how “she is worth far more than rubies.” In order to understand this more clearly, I did a search on how much rubies are worth in the Old Testament times. My research told me that rubies have been diminishing in worth over the years, but more than likely in the Old Testament times, rubies were much more rare and expensive than diamonds. This adds to the point above. She is a rare and expensive gem. She knows that her worth is founded in Christ, and is not easily swayed by the cheap things of this world.

Stay tuned for the next post in the series about honouring her husband all the days of her life.

Did I miss anything? Don’t be afraid to comment down below any points I might have missed.


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