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Review: Lies Young Women Believe

I received this book from one of my dear friends. Before hand, I had been eyeing it up every time I saw. After finally receiving and reading this book, I realized how much I had been missing out on.

"Lies Young Women Believe (And the Truth that Sets Them Free)" is co-authored by Nancy Leigh DeMoss (now Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth) and Dannah Gresh. These ladies make a POWERFUL writing duo. This book tackles 25 different lies from 9 different categories: Lies about God, Lies about Satan, Lies about Myself, Lies about Guys, Lies about Relationships, Lies about My Faith, Lies about Sin, Lies about Media, and Lies about the Future. I'm not going to go into too much detail, but each and every single lie covered in this book is applicable. This book taught me so much. Some of the lies covered were literally lies I was telling myself, but didn't realize that they were lies at the time. Nancy and Dannah expel so much wisdom from the Scriptures, but also from their own life stories. They don't just tell the truth - they believe it.

I would definitely recommend reading this book, especially owning your own copy of it! There is a lot of interactive sections that you can write in or even cut out.

This book is available on Amazon, as well as many other book stores. My copy was purchased from Amazon as well.

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